I cannot believe my youngest daughter is engaged. It has all happened so fast. I knew this day would come, but now that it's here it is just hard to fathom. She has dated Taylor for about 6 months and already is engaged to him. She warned me he was the one and I heard her but did not put it in the reality portion of my brain. Now that the beautiful diamond is on her finger, I have to have a reality check and start the process of this wedding planning. The wedding date is set for August 7th of this year and that is not a long engagement time. I know this will be lots of fun. I know these few months will fly by. But I feel like we are pro's at this wedding planning after two weddings completed. I want this one to be personally Emily. I want this to be her dream wedding. I want it to be fun. Here I go......wedding shops here we come!!!!! Congratulations Emily and Taylor