Thursday, November 08, 2007


Today was one of those fun times with my husband. You would think we took a cool trip or went somewhere fancy to eat or went to a movie. No ...... none of those are true. We took a walk and then blew leaves from our lawn into piles and put them in bags for the recycle truck next week. It was a sunny cool day and I just loved it. It brought back lots of memories about when the girls were little and would help us and then we would push them in the piles or we would bury them up to their necks. Today it was just Tom and I and I did not push him in the leaves and he did not push me. I jumped in one myself but we are getting older and the thought of hitting something hard with our bodies isnt fun. So I guess the saying really is true....."the best things in life are free"!


Tom Burger said...

If you enjoyed it that much ... there'll be more leaves next week.
Consider it a date :)

liz said...

Piles of leaves…a season reminiscent of simpler times.