Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Back in town

I am back. I had a wonderful trip home to visit family. It was cold and I worked helping my brother in the barn and hoisted up my muscle performance a little. (carrying heavy milk pails to the bulk tank) I made some meals for my parents and brothers and played lots of games and took lots of naps. I visited some friends and just enjoyed looking at the farm where I grew up. I walked in the snow and breathed the fresh air. I enjoyed the sunsets and sunrises. In the city you dont see them most often. I feel renewed and refreshed even though I am a bit tired. I feel that I have a new perspective. I have to find a job and I know I will. It's not a race and it's not the end of the world if I dont find one today. I am embracing the farm life attitude of slow down, take time to talk and play, enjoy some laughter, and eat yourself silly!


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We're glad you're home! The tortoise wins the race everytime I've read the book-- slow and steady. You will get the perfect job when the time is right!