Thursday, July 12, 2007

can i love anymore?

Can I love anymore than I do this cute little grandchild of mine? I dont think so, but I bet as she grows and does more fun stuff I will love her more and more than I do now. I miss Olivia Stover. I havent seen her for a week now. It is like I am reaching out and there is nothing there. I go through my daily routine and try to forget how much I miss Olivia, but it doesnt work most of the time. I MISS HER! Tom does too. The other day he was walking around the house looking like he lost his best friend. He came back to me as I was reading and handed me a note. It said...I wish we were going to Roxboro. I miss my Olivia! (Or something like that) It was so cute. We are both new at this grandparenting thing. I would say we are smitten with the grandparent bug. Or is it the love bug, cause we sure love that little bug Olivia.