Wednesday, May 28, 2008


OK this is happening way too often. I go to bed and before I know it, something wakes me up and I am looking at the clock and listening to the heavy breathing of my husband. It is sometimes 1:30 sometimes 3 o'clock, when it is 4:30, I am ok, because morning is near. But this morning it is 1:30 and I am getting so tired of this. I pray, I think, I turn and toss and usually there is a cat on or near me. I am just not sure what the problem is. If I start vacuuming I think Tom and Emily might be upset. What do you think?

Monday, May 26, 2008

Two weddings and baby kisses

This memorial day weekend was a whirlwind. We had two weddings, a trip to Roxboro, a trip to Boone, friends over for shrimp dinner, and lots of kisses on our granddaughter, who is getting to be so grown up already. I dont know how we fit that all in over 4 days but we did. On Thursday,Emily and I went to visit Sheila and brought her and Olivia home with us on Friday. On Friday we had our friends Chris and Amanda over for dinner. On Saturday our long time family friends the Gordons had a wonderful wedding in which Erin became Mrs. Birkmeyer. On Sunday our daughter Alisha was a bridesmaid in her friends Alinna and Daniel's wedding in Boone. We attended that one too and enjoyed some beautiful weather in the mountains of NC.

Wow! How does so much happen in such a short amount of time? I love it! I like to be busy and have my time occupied. I guess because I am not working right now, I appreciate my time being counted for certain events. I must say, I am tired today. But I loved every minute of the past 4 days.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My life and the spa

My unemployment has been an interesting time of ups and downs. I guess because some days I am encouraged that I will have a job soon and some days I feel I will never find a good job. But last week and this week, my life has been kinda great. I got a gift card for mother's day from my hubby for a facial at Koha spa in Tega Cay. I got to go with Emily as she got one for her birthday, and we had a wonderful relaxing hour. I also got a gift card from Alisha for a pedicure at Blis spa in Pineville so Emily and I enjoyed that together. (well Emily had to buy her own manicure) but anyhow, I feel like the queen going to all the spa's while I am unemployed. Do you think that I could make a job out of that? Hey anyone want to give me another gift card? I am open to any spa! I will even send you a review of how I rate the services. Now I think I am on to something!!!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Been Tagged! By Sheila Stover.....why does she do this to me?

What were you doing 10 years ago?
I had all my girls at home and was working for a chiropracter. I was loving my husband and thanking God that He was giving me strength to raise 3 girls 2 of which were teenagers.

5 things on your to do list for today?
1. certify for unemployment
2. Apply for some jobs
3. Get some groceries
4. exercise
5. take time for Jesus

5 things you would do if you were a billionaire?
1. I wouldn't be looking for a job.
2. I would travel quite extensively with my husband and my girls and their husbands.
3. I would find some really good mission opportunities and needs and set them up for good.
4. Set my girls up with some good retirement plans
5. Probably buy a new house in a better neighborhood. Nothing extravegant though.

Name 3 bad habits:
1. I criticize too quickly
2. I criticize too often
3. I don't spend enough time praying for needs of those I know and spend way too little time studying God's Word.

List 5 jobs I have had:
1. Corn detasseler
2. Babysitter
3. Waitress
4. Grocery store clerk
5. Chiropractic Assistant
6. Bookkeeper for a granite/tile company

5 Books I have recently read:
1. The Bible-God
2. Shadow Castle-Marriane Cockrell
3. True Light- Terri Blackstock
4. Country Brides- Nora Roberts( maybe)
5. Cant remember all the names, I have read a lot job right now!

I guess I will tag Tom and Liz as I dont know too many bloggers other than Sheila and she tagged me!

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. "The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I have hope in Him." The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, To the person who seeks Him.


Monday, May 12, 2008

My baby is home

My baby is home from college for the summer. I am so very excited to have her here. I love it when she is around. I feel like I didnt get to talk to her much or see her much this past year. I am a happy mom, and I am going to enjoy every moment with her.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Photo shoot

Photo Session with Grammy