Friday, March 27, 2009

Just a moment

I recently read a portion in Max Lucado's book It's Not About Me. What I read on Page 55 inspired me. It's talking about moments in our life compared with eternity. Here is a portion of page55...

God does the same with your struggles. On one side he stacks all your burdens. Famines. Firings. Parents who forgot you. Bosses who ignored you. Bad breaks, bad health, bad days. Stack them up, and watch one side of the pan scale plummet. Now witness God's response. Does He remove them? Eliminate the burdens? No, rather than take them, He offsets them. He places an eternal weight of glory on the other side. Endless joy. Measureless peace. An eternity of Him. Watch what happens as He sets eternity on your scale. Everything changes! The burdens lift. The heavy becomes light when weighted against eternity. If life is "just a moment" can't we endure any challenge for a moment?
We can be sick for just a moment.
We can be lonely for just a moment.
We can be persecuted for just a moment.
We can struggle for just a moment. Can't we?
Can't we wait for
our peace? It's not about us anyway. And it's certainly
not about now.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

there aren't words enough

There are no words necessary. These two are my joy!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

almost heaven

I love being a grandma. Today I leave to go and take care of my grandkids while their parents are in meetings. I will get to play, love, kiss, hug, help feed, change, sing, run, shop,play some more, sleep, color, smile, hum, rock,and just relish the job of grammy! God sure designed life in an amazing way to give us nuggets of heaven. This next few days will be very close to heaven for me.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

A beautiful day

I love it when spring really comes to Charlotte. It is spring today with temps in the high 70's. I love to open the windows and let the breeze air out my house. I love to clean floors, window treatments, carpet and whatever else might need a cleaning. I love to get out and work in the yard with the birds chirping and the flowers blooming. I got a surprise today. I went in the back yard this morning and discovered things were blooming. I had a pink and a purple hyacinth. I had forsythia, daffodils, and lenten roses. When did this happen? Last week we had snow. This week it feels like it is almost summer. It's confusing, however I don't care. I just love this weather. Bring it on!!!!