Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Keeping Olivia the funnest time ever

As you can see our time has been filled. It is a joy to play with our Olivia and laugh with her and see how much she already knows. We love her.
Enjoying relaxing time with grandpa.

A moment to enjoy the beauty of flowers.

Grandpa's idea, Build a Bear!

Breakfast is fun and early!

Friday, October 17, 2008

My little fall cutie

What can I say. I am proud of my little Olivia. She is her grammy's favorite little bug. She is getting so big and fun to watch. Here she is with a pumpkin that her grandpa(baba) got her when she visited this past weekend. And she is wearing a kitty shirt that her grammy picked out for her. Emily her auntie is enjoying her too as you can see from the photo. The kitty is to make her giggle 'cause it is so cute when she does that. Fall is a wonderful time of year, but having Olivia around makes it even better.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Fall is here

I love days like this when the sun is shining the breeze is blowing and you get the beginning hint of color starting on the leaves. When you have friends to do things with and good food. God is amazing. What do you think?!