Monday, March 17, 2008

Time for work?

I honestly don't know how this happens, but I am not working right now, although I am spending a lot of time on the computer looking for jobs and faxing my resume etc. I have so much that seems needing to be done around the house. How did it get done when I was working full time? I DON'T KNOW!!!! I have errands to run, like grocery shopping, shopping for wedding and shower gifts. The list goes on and on. I guess because I am around here, I notice the things that need doing. I told you in my last blog about the yard work. That is always a given in the spring. I have my normal cleaning and then I am also doing some sorting and giving away. When Alisha moved out it sort of pushed me to clean and organize. It seems like it is a never ending process, or maybe it is just because I move things from one room to the next and then I have to eventually deal with the junk. I hate junk. As I have aged, I have really purged my stuff. I emptied the attic for the most part(there is still more stuff) I cleaned out my closet, and things that I don't use much I am really getting to the point that if I haven't looked at it in a year I am giving it to Goodwill or someone who needs it. I am even to the point of selling most of my precious moments. If you are looking to buy some or all of them, let me know. I have given lots of stuff to the girls when they moved out. It is quite freeing. If you have trouble letting go of stuff that you don't even know you have, just take the plunge and let it go. It feels SO good! Plus it can help others greatly. What can be better than that?!! God didn't create us to live here and be stingy. If He has blessed us with so much that we cant even use it all, that is probably a sign that you should bless someone else who needs it.


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AnneDroid said...

Hey! I really like the sound of that - travelling a bit lighter... There are six of us in this house and way too much stuff. When we go on holiday we manage with so little it does make me wonder. Maybe I'll take a few days off work some time and chuck out half of it!