Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Life can change at any moment

I have had a little time to reflect on change. I am recently unemployed due to a lay off from my most recent job of 6 months. For 14 years before that I was at the same job. I felt like I needed a change and God seemed to open the door for my most recent job. Now 6 months later I am unemployed and it is a very strange feeling. I am free to do whatever I want with my time and yet I feel imprisoned in many ways. I probably wouldnt have to go to work, but our finances would be very tight until college is payed for. So I have to say" God what are you doing? Why do I find myself in this position. Did I make a mistake when I thought you were leading me to take this last job, or is this all part of a bigger plan to get me from point A to point C?" I dont know. For now I have to trust God. I know I always have to trust Him but it just becomes more evident when my life is certainly out of my control. I wish I could see down the road and know that this job thing has a good ending, but then in a way maybe it would scare me to see the end results. So the days that I thought my life was so routine are over. I have no idea what tomorrow will hold for me. I guess we never do. Life can change at any moment and then you think "WOW " how did I get here?

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