Been Tagged! By Sheila Stover.....why does she do this to me?
What were you doing 10 years ago?
I had all my girls at home and was working for a chiropracter. I was loving my husband and thanking God that He was giving me strength to raise 3 girls 2 of which were teenagers.
5 things on your to do list for today?
1. certify for unemployment
2. Apply for some jobs
3. Get some groceries
4. exercise
5. take time for Jesus
5 things you would do if you were a billionaire?
1. I wouldn't be looking for a job.
2. I would travel quite extensively with my husband and my girls and their husbands.
3. I would find some really good mission opportunities and needs and set them up for good.
4. Set my girls up with some good retirement plans
5. Probably buy a new house in a better neighborhood. Nothing extravegant though.
Name 3 bad habits:
1. I criticize too quickly
2. I criticize too often
3. I don't spend enough time praying for needs of those I know and spend way too little time studying God's Word.
List 5 jobs I have had:
1. Corn detasseler
2. Babysitter
3. Waitress
4. Grocery store clerk
5. Chiropractic Assistant
6. Bookkeeper for a granite/tile company
5 Books I have recently read:
1. The Bible-God
2. Shadow Castle-Marriane Cockrell
3. True Light- Terri Blackstock
4. Country Brides- Nora Roberts( maybe)
5. Cant remember all the names, I have read a lot job right now!
I guess I will tag Tom and Liz as I dont know too many bloggers other than Sheila and she tagged me!