Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I Choose to believe

My devotion the other day was SO what I needed. It talked about serving leftovers to company.That is something you would probably never do if you were trying to treat someone very special. The author then related it to our walk with God and giving God our leftovers. How many times do we give God the last of our energy rather than the first and best? God does require all of our lives. I am dealing with my oldest daughter, husband, and grandchildren leaving this year to go into the foreign mission field. I have not responded to God with my best. I have been selfish and self centered, because I love them so and don't want to be without them. I dont want to miss birthday's, holidays and just ordinary times together. I don't want to miss them.It breaks my heart to think about it. You see, it has been all about me. What is wrong with this picture? God is asking me like Abraham to give up my child.(and in this case my son-in-law and grandchildren). He isn't asking me to sacrifice them in the same way as Abraham, but He is asking me to give them up for His work and service. I want to please the Lord and no matter how this hurts, I trust God. I know He has a bigger plan than me having time with my family. I am encouraged. I am not alone. God may never let them actually go,or He may allow them to minister abroad for the rest of their lives. No matter what, I choose to believe that God is working all things out for their good and mine and His glory. I choose to believe God.

1 comment:

liz said...

Ok now. You’ve brought me to tears. We are so blessed to have children who are answering God’s call. I’ve been trying to prepare for the time they leave, but I’ve decided that’s not quite possible. I also have been selfish about my feelings, but I finally realized that they are the ones going to the mission field – they will be in a foreign country, far away from family and friends, and will be learning a new way of life. When we say our goodbyes, we’ll have to lean on each other... (and save money for plane tickets)