Tuesday, October 30, 2007


So I was driving back to work from my lunch yesterday and I saw and accident right in front of me. A girl was turning left out of a shopping center and a few cars in front of me they stopped to let her go to turn left, as she was turning she forgot to look at the second lane and a guy had no idea she was turning and kept driving and she t-boned him. It was so emotional for me. As Alisha was just in a collision last week and it has been such a hard thing for me to feel like she's safe. After I saw this accident so closely and was so emotional about it, I realized that I have no control over anything! I KNOW that God is in control but I am still trying to control so many things in my life. (It was an epiphany for me.) I have given my life to Christ. He is in control and I can trust Him. It doesnt mean things will always be easy and good, but He has my best interest at heart. I immediately had peace that passes my understanding. No more letting fear control me. God is in control and He loves me.

1 comment:

Tom Burger said...

WOW! great post!

Sometimes I love the fact that God is in complete control. Other times it is the most frustrating thing in my life. But it is out choice - we choose to give Him control. That's what "Lord" is all about, huh? And that's how we learn to truly trust Him.