Tuesday, April 08, 2008

All you need is love

Me with my amazing granddaughter, Olivia!

Love is so amazing! Why is it the more you give the more you have? My daughter, Sheila is expecting her second child and she made the statement to me that Andrew, her husband was worried that Olivia would be his favorite. I had to laugh, but I remember feeling that way myself. I was not sure that I could love anyone as much as I loved Sheila, but when Alisha came my love was there for her too. Then when my third, Emily came, amazingly enough I loved her just as much as the first two. Love multiplies the more you give it. I cant explain it but it's true. No wonder it is the best gift you can give anyone. The more you give, the more it comes back to you.

1 comment:

Sheila said...

What a ham!!!

I like the new layout! Did you do that on your own?