Tuesday, June 24, 2008


This post is to catch you all up. I got a job! I am being thrown crazily into my work because there is no other office help. The Dr. just kinda said this is this and this is that and here come the patients and....... HELP!!!!!! I am catching on but it's nuts to not have a girl there to train you for awhile. I also got my car broken into while Tom, Emily and I were at the track walking! Now that just makes me mad. When you can't go to the local HS and walk the track for some exercise, that just is so wrong. Anyhow, now I have to wait for the glass company to come and fix it on Thursday, so I am scrambling to get some way to work without driving with thick plastic on the window. (It's very loud) Just hope that someday the vandels get caught. If they don't someday they will have to answer to God. So my life is crazy!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I was reading my Bible for my devotional time and what I read intrigued me. I was reading
Proverbs 20:5-7
(5) Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water, But a man of understanding will draw it out. (6) Most men will proclaim each his own goodness, But who can find a faithful man? (7) The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him.

First, I think this scripture is telling me that if God puts someone in my path that has a situation good or bad, if I am truly a believer who cares about people I will be interested in what is going on in this persons life and maybe even be of help to them with my words. Secondly, we are in a day when people sure do toot their own horns a lot, but show me someone who is there for me when I need them and that's the person I call friend and want to be around. Last verse amazes me because I have thought about this a time or two. I have a very godly heritage going back to my grandmother on my dads side. I remember as a small child being in her home while she was resting on her couch, she was praying and reading her Bible. That had an impact on me at a very young age. My mom and dad also, were faithful in their prayer life and God's Word. Now according to this verse, I have reaped benefits of their righteous ways. I can sense that in my life often by God's favor. My prayer is that I am passing on a blessing to my children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren because of my walk with God. What are you passing on to others? Ponder these scriptures and be blessed.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Not discouraged anymore

My post a few days ago was a bit of a downer. I normally don't share my feelings when they are negative. But I was just at a point where I felt I needed to share. Today I am reflecting on how things change. I have been greatly encouraged by so many people from my husband, my sister, missionaries I know from Nicaragua, several of my friends, my girls and etc. I can't say that I was immediately happy and jumping up and down, but the more I reflected on how God encourages us through the people who are part of our lives, I began to be encouraged and greatly filled with joy. So many of them told me things that I could ponder and realize that God is good. He is working things out for my good. Even when I am thinking God is working so slow. I hope that I encourage people that I am around. I want to offer words of encouragement to those who need it. I will look for opportunities to help someone and say the words that God puts in my mouth. This is the way God intended it to be. People of God doing all they can to make things better for others while we are on this earth.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My granddaughter is adorable whether she is in jeans and a hat or a beautiful dress.

Friday, June 06, 2008


Have you ever had one of those days or times when you have been discouraged? Of course you have everyone has. Yesterday was one of those days for me. I just found out I was not chosen for another job.(one I really thought I wanted) It just seemed like the message was one that put me over the edge. I have my moods for sure, but I have always tried to live in the middle. Try to not climb to high or fall too low in the way I look at things. Putting my trust in the Lord has really helped with that too. When I get down, I encourage myself in the Lord as David did in the old testament. Yesterday,no matter how I tried I could not seem to lift myself up. Tears were brimming to the surface of my eyes all afternoon. Emily was with me and she was in a similar mood too as she was suppose to hear about a job by yesterday and didn't. What is a person suppose to do when you have done all you know to do and God is just not opening any doors? I have asked,fasted,prayed,searched and prayed some more and I just am not hearing from the Lord. I want to have faith that He is going to answer me with a great job. I was doing well until about a month ago and now after 4 months of looking, I am asking, "Lord, what am I missing? Am I suppose to be looking somewhere else that I haven't thought of?" I am discouraged. I feel like I am missing God. I know that God "has a plan for me" as it says in Jeremiah 29:11. I don't want to go through this without faith and then when God answers me with a wonderful job I will regret that I didn't trust His timing. For now I will have to depend on the prayers and encouragement of others to lift me up as I have no strength left of my own.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Air conditioning

Why is it that when it gets hot our air-conditioning fails us. We were driving my Honda CRV to go to Alisha's pool yesterday,( because it was in the high 80's, and it was a Sunday afternoon and we wanted to get cool) when we heard this funny noise and all of the sudden my air stopped shooting out cool air. NOOOoooooooooo! I was just thinking the other week how nice it was that my car was working so well and that I haven't had any problems. Needless to say, since we live in the south and it is suppose to be getting up to the 90's next week, I guess I will have to get it fixed. It never gives me a problem in the winter, no, it waits until summer!