Tuesday, June 24, 2008


This post is to catch you all up. I got a job! I am being thrown crazily into my work because there is no other office help. The Dr. just kinda said this is this and this is that and here come the patients and....... HELP!!!!!! I am catching on but it's nuts to not have a girl there to train you for awhile. I also got my car broken into while Tom, Emily and I were at the track walking! Now that just makes me mad. When you can't go to the local HS and walk the track for some exercise, that just is so wrong. Anyhow, now I have to wait for the glass company to come and fix it on Thursday, so I am scrambling to get some way to work without driving with thick plastic on the window. (It's very loud) Just hope that someday the vandels get caught. If they don't someday they will have to answer to God. So my life is crazy!

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