Thursday, August 23, 2007

Sick in August

Being sick is no fun for the most part,(unless your not really sick but just feel like you might need a day to rest and watch movies or read and blow your nose a little). Well unfortunately I am sick, the real one where you dont appreciate being home. I started feeling daggers in my throat a few days ago and then the whole stomach isnt just right feeling yesterday and then the hot and cold feelings and today I just have the whole head thing and throat closing up and drainage in my throat that makes me cough. I hate being sick but when it is nearly 100 degrees out it is all the worse. I dont know why but it makes you feel sicker. I would rather be sick when it is 32 out and I can put a blanket around me and not feel foolish. Or lay by the fire. What should I do now, lay by a pool? I dont think so. I hope tomorrow I will feel better.


Anonymous said...

Little sister,
I'm sorry that you are not feeling well. I hope you can enjoy a good book to read and relax and get better. Love you and praying for you to get well soon,
Big sister

Windot said...

You are so cute! You totally reminded me of Sheila and her humor. "what do I do, go lay by the pool?!" ha ha ha.
I hope you feel better! I love reading about your adventures in your empty nest!
Love, Cheri... a friend of Sheila's