Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy engagement

So much has happened in the past few weeks. But the main news is Alisha is engaged to James. All our family is very happy and excited. We very much love James as one of our own. Now we are getting into the planning and it is very much fun. Here is a picture of the happy couple.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas favorites

I was tagged by Sheila for my Christmas favorites...
Favorite Tree: A real one for sure. Love the pine smell. This year is probably my favorite as our whole family helped decorate...even boyfriends of Alisha and Emily. Best of all Olivia helped. That alone makes it my favorite.
Favorite ornament: I have all our girls babies firt Christmas ornaments from the Precious Moments collection.
Favorite Christmas Song: Joy to the World.
Favorite Tradition: Reading the Christmas story by tree-light on Christmas Eve and then opening one gift each!
Favorite gift: I have had so many wonderful ones I cant pick, but I suppose the best gift is being able to be with family and watch them open gifts together.
Favorite Meal: Christmas eve meal with Pizza, wings, taco dip, shrimp. Yummmy!
Favorite Cookie: Sugar cutouts....I also like my brother Paul's chocolate star cookies.
Favorite Place to be: Home with my crazy fun family.
Favorite Memory: Being a child and having the most wonderful white christmas snow fall on Christmas day as my grandparents came up to our house for the day. Absolutely engraved in my heart. I also loved the time we gave our girls a trampoline and did a scavenger hunt for them to get to the big gift outside. (Watching Tom put it together outside on Christmas eve on one of the coldest days of the year was pretty memorable too.)
Favorite Movie: How can I pick a favorite there are so many. Elf, It's a wonderful life, Scrooge, The Little Drummer Boy cartoon.

I tag Tom and Jayme and Liz.

Happy Birthday Tom

Happy Birthday to the one I have loved for over 28 years. I hope this is the best year you have ever had. I love you.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Christmas is a coming.....

I love that old song, Christmas is a coming and the lights are on the tree. The version I knew was sung by Loren Green. Nothing reminds me of Christmas growning up more than that song on his Christmas album. I like thinking about lights on the tree. Light is an awesome thing. Jesus is the light of the world. There are so many verses about light in the Bible. This time of year especially I like to think about those verses as I look at the lights on my own Christmas tree. God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:5 That is something positive to ponder in our world of darkness. Are you looking to the True Light for all your answers? May your Christmas season be filled with God's light!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Since we are one day away from Thanksgiving I am going to post a 30 reasons for thankfulness list. I am thankful all year but never as thankful as I should be. Why don't you list your reasons to be thankful and keep them handy for times you don't feel thankful.
1. Jesus
2. Tom my hubby
3. My girls.. Sheila, Alisha, Emily
4. My Olivia and Hudson (grandchildren)
5. As Tom puts it when he prays (our boys) That is our girls husbands and boyfriends!
6. Our home
7. Flannel sheets in winter
8. Hot meals
9. a job
10. the use of all my senses
11. My family in Minnesota
12. Bible
13. my cats Chicken Nugget and Titus
14. water to drink and the Sweet Tea it makes
15. my car
16. Our church
17. Friends
18. Bible study class
19. Hiking
20. The heart to help others in need
21. music
22. Christian novels
23. leaves that fall
24 flowers that bloom
25. oceans to swim in
26. snow to play in and hot chocolate after
27. laughter
28. giving gifts
29. smell of a fresh cut christmas tree
30. snuggle time with the ones Ilove.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Hudson Isaiah

November 14, 2008 a very special day when Hudson Isaiah came into the world at 11:34 am weighing 8 pounds and 3 ounces. He is so beautiful and has made me a very happy grammy.

Monday, November 10, 2008

cleaning can be fun

I spent the weekend at my daughter, Sheila's house to help her get her NEST ready for the new baby coming next week. We cleaned from top to bottom and it was fun. REALLY, I love cleaning and organizing, so this is my idea of a great time. To make it even more fun, my little granddaughter Olivia was helping. What could be better than that. Well only 4 more days until the family of three will be a family of four.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Give me Your eyes

I have heard this song for a few weeks now on christian radio and love it. Take a minute to listen and watch.....Brandon Heath's Give me Your eyes.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Keeping Olivia the funnest time ever

As you can see our time has been filled. It is a joy to play with our Olivia and laugh with her and see how much she already knows. We love her.
Enjoying relaxing time with grandpa.

A moment to enjoy the beauty of flowers.

Grandpa's idea, Build a Bear!

Breakfast is fun and early!

Friday, October 17, 2008

My little fall cutie

What can I say. I am proud of my little Olivia. She is her grammy's favorite little bug. She is getting so big and fun to watch. Here she is with a pumpkin that her grandpa(baba) got her when she visited this past weekend. And she is wearing a kitty shirt that her grammy picked out for her. Emily her auntie is enjoying her too as you can see from the photo. The kitty is to make her giggle 'cause it is so cute when she does that. Fall is a wonderful time of year, but having Olivia around makes it even better.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Fall is here

I love days like this when the sun is shining the breeze is blowing and you get the beginning hint of color starting on the leaves. When you have friends to do things with and good food. God is amazing. What do you think?!

Friday, September 26, 2008

rainy day

It's a cool, rainy day today. Just a great day to make a pot of chili, read books, watch a movie and take a nap under a blanket. We don't have any gas to go anywhere anyway. Life is good.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Missing Minnesota

Just missing my home and wishing I was closer to my family. It's hard to be away when your parents are getting older and need help alot. I am thankful for all who are in Minnesota and take care of things for my mom and dad.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

fun with Olivia

Fun times with Olivia Grace

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Do you have days when your faith seems to be gone? Do you have days when your faith is so strong? Do you have days when you have both in the matter of hours? Am I alone? What does God's word say about it?

For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. Romans 1:17

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Hebrews 11:6

That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:Whom having not seen, ye love:in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory;
Recieving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.
I Peter 1:7-9

From what I see our walk with him is up and down, from faith to faith. But every time we go through hard things and our faith seems to be gone, but we get up again and continue on in the best way we know how. We are honoring God.

Guess I am not alone.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

few good tips

I saw the following on Gary's blog from 91.9 WRCM thought it was good.......

When you're criticized

Three quick tips:

1. Don't ever overreact. If your emotions are yelling at you, convince yourself your emotions are lying and telling you it's a bigger deal than it is (they are). Don't let your emotions boss your reaction.

2. Do NOT go down there where the criticizer is, ever. Stay above every criticism. Don't debate the criticizer or the criticism. Every time you stay above things you end up elevated in the eyes of most (not all) others.

3. Get over wanting everyone to like you. Ain't gonna happen. Don't fool yourself and think that if they only knew all the facts and knew your motivations they'd drop the criticism. Maybe. Or maybe they'd increase it.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

fun with Olivia

Olivia and Sheila spent a week with us last week as Andrew was on a mission trip. We had a really fun time with our little bug and Sheila too. She kept Tom and I busy and tired us out, but we loved every minute of it. We pushed her in the swing, went for wagon rides. Played outside and watered flowers. We chased her around the house and kissed and hugged her alot. We fed her bathed her and laughed at her funny ways. She is such a gift from God. I can only say. I love her more than words can say.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Which way to go?

I quit my job. It took me 4 months to find it and I worked 1 1/2 months to find that I didn't want to stay. It is so hard at times to figure out what direction to go. I pray about things like this and just wish God would give me audible answers and say "go this way,don't take that job, hey this would be the best decision you can make!" God doesn't work that way. He wants me to ask Him questions, but He also gives me faith to take steps down the paths I feel He would have me go. I asked Tom last night at dinner,"What do you do when you don't know what to do?" He proceeded to tell me what he tells inmates all the time when they ask. "Do the next right thing you know to do." I get that with their situation, but if I knew the right thing to do, I wouldn't have a problem. Did I make a mistake when I took this job? Maybe, maybe not. I want to believe that God had me there for a purpose for a short season. Maybe to encourage a patient, maybe for the doctor, maybe for my co-worker. I may never know. It would be nice to SEE that I was on the right path for this time in my life, but I probably will never know. I have to believe that I was right where God wanted me or I will always be questioning my walk of faith. When I am in this state of flux, God's Word is where my answers lie. Psalms 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and He delighteth in his way.
Well if God takes delight in my way as He orders my steps, I guess I will be ok.
Psalms 32:8 I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.
Again, God is teaching me and will guide me. I guess according to God's Word, I am on the right path and He will lead me from here. I feel better already. Maybe you have questioned your decisions on some matter. Go to God's Word for encouragement and answers. You will not be disappointed!

Monday, August 04, 2008

I got tagged

I'm it!

One Word Meme

1. Answer the questions using only one word.

2. Tag four others. (I tag Liz and Tom)

Where is your cell phone? purse

Your significant other?big

Your hair? growing

Your mother? amazing

Your father? dedicated

Your favorite thing? family

Your dream last night?forgetable

Your favorite drink? water

Your dream/goal? happiness

The room you’re in? loft

Your hobby?walking'

Your fear? trouble

Where do you want to be in 6 years? alive

What you’re not? ambitious

Muffins? poppyseed

One of your wish list items? porch

Where you grew up? hutchinson

Last thing you did? shopped

Favorite gadget? phone

Your pets? cats

Your computer? lifeline

Your mood? hopeful

Missing someone? parents

Your car? Honda

Favorite store?Aldi

Like someone? yep

Your favorite color? green

Last time you laughed? today

Last time you cried? weeks

Thursday, July 31, 2008

work weekend

I am going away for the weekend with my job. I usually really look forward to the weekends, but this one I am kinda dreading. I have to go with my boss to a convention for our profession. I dont really know what to expect. I know that I need an open mind and a good attitude, but I am a family person and when it comes to my weekends I want to have them with whom I choose. It's going to feel like work all weekend so as a result, I am working 2 weeks straight. Yikes. Fortunately, we hired a new girl and she will be going too. That is my saving grace. So while everyone else is enjoying the weekend with whomever and whatever they choose, I will be in seminars listening to how I can be a better employee. Think about me.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Love you

I sure love my family!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I have had so many mood changes in the past few weeks that I think I might be related to a yo-yo.

No job
New job
Nice vacation
Now back to work
Never feeling like I get enough rest
Nothing to look forward too after vacation is over
Numb feeling inside.....feel like I'm on a spiritual drain

Get the picture......I am a mess. Only with God's help will I survive and excel through this time of NNNNNNNNN's.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

We had an awesome vacation with our whole family in Minnesota on the farm. It was a one of a kind time together. My parents children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren were all together. It just doesnt happen very often. The weather was very nice and the opportunities for fun were endless. It was very memorable. "Thanks God for the special times you give us here on earth"!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


I am getting ready to go on a vacation. I will be with my whole family. I am looking forward to it very much. This will be the first time in years that my parents will be with all of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. And who knows it may never happen again on this side of heaven. I cant wait to get to the farm and just hang out and laugh and play games and eat and eat some more. I will meet boyfriend and girlfriend of niece and brother. I will get to roast a hotdog over an open fire. I will see fireworks and slap at misquitos. I will milk a cow and drink the fresh milk. I will have pop, not soda. I will cook for what seems like hundreds and we will all pack in one home to sleep. Doesnt it sound like a great time? I think so.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


This post is to catch you all up. I got a job! I am being thrown crazily into my work because there is no other office help. The Dr. just kinda said this is this and this is that and here come the patients and....... HELP!!!!!! I am catching on but it's nuts to not have a girl there to train you for awhile. I also got my car broken into while Tom, Emily and I were at the track walking! Now that just makes me mad. When you can't go to the local HS and walk the track for some exercise, that just is so wrong. Anyhow, now I have to wait for the glass company to come and fix it on Thursday, so I am scrambling to get some way to work without driving with thick plastic on the window. (It's very loud) Just hope that someday the vandels get caught. If they don't someday they will have to answer to God. So my life is crazy!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I was reading my Bible for my devotional time and what I read intrigued me. I was reading
Proverbs 20:5-7
(5) Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water, But a man of understanding will draw it out. (6) Most men will proclaim each his own goodness, But who can find a faithful man? (7) The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him.

First, I think this scripture is telling me that if God puts someone in my path that has a situation good or bad, if I am truly a believer who cares about people I will be interested in what is going on in this persons life and maybe even be of help to them with my words. Secondly, we are in a day when people sure do toot their own horns a lot, but show me someone who is there for me when I need them and that's the person I call friend and want to be around. Last verse amazes me because I have thought about this a time or two. I have a very godly heritage going back to my grandmother on my dads side. I remember as a small child being in her home while she was resting on her couch, she was praying and reading her Bible. That had an impact on me at a very young age. My mom and dad also, were faithful in their prayer life and God's Word. Now according to this verse, I have reaped benefits of their righteous ways. I can sense that in my life often by God's favor. My prayer is that I am passing on a blessing to my children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren because of my walk with God. What are you passing on to others? Ponder these scriptures and be blessed.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Not discouraged anymore

My post a few days ago was a bit of a downer. I normally don't share my feelings when they are negative. But I was just at a point where I felt I needed to share. Today I am reflecting on how things change. I have been greatly encouraged by so many people from my husband, my sister, missionaries I know from Nicaragua, several of my friends, my girls and etc. I can't say that I was immediately happy and jumping up and down, but the more I reflected on how God encourages us through the people who are part of our lives, I began to be encouraged and greatly filled with joy. So many of them told me things that I could ponder and realize that God is good. He is working things out for my good. Even when I am thinking God is working so slow. I hope that I encourage people that I am around. I want to offer words of encouragement to those who need it. I will look for opportunities to help someone and say the words that God puts in my mouth. This is the way God intended it to be. People of God doing all they can to make things better for others while we are on this earth.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My granddaughter is adorable whether she is in jeans and a hat or a beautiful dress.

Friday, June 06, 2008


Have you ever had one of those days or times when you have been discouraged? Of course you have everyone has. Yesterday was one of those days for me. I just found out I was not chosen for another job.(one I really thought I wanted) It just seemed like the message was one that put me over the edge. I have my moods for sure, but I have always tried to live in the middle. Try to not climb to high or fall too low in the way I look at things. Putting my trust in the Lord has really helped with that too. When I get down, I encourage myself in the Lord as David did in the old testament. Yesterday,no matter how I tried I could not seem to lift myself up. Tears were brimming to the surface of my eyes all afternoon. Emily was with me and she was in a similar mood too as she was suppose to hear about a job by yesterday and didn't. What is a person suppose to do when you have done all you know to do and God is just not opening any doors? I have asked,fasted,prayed,searched and prayed some more and I just am not hearing from the Lord. I want to have faith that He is going to answer me with a great job. I was doing well until about a month ago and now after 4 months of looking, I am asking, "Lord, what am I missing? Am I suppose to be looking somewhere else that I haven't thought of?" I am discouraged. I feel like I am missing God. I know that God "has a plan for me" as it says in Jeremiah 29:11. I don't want to go through this without faith and then when God answers me with a wonderful job I will regret that I didn't trust His timing. For now I will have to depend on the prayers and encouragement of others to lift me up as I have no strength left of my own.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Air conditioning

Why is it that when it gets hot our air-conditioning fails us. We were driving my Honda CRV to go to Alisha's pool yesterday,( because it was in the high 80's, and it was a Sunday afternoon and we wanted to get cool) when we heard this funny noise and all of the sudden my air stopped shooting out cool air. NOOOoooooooooo! I was just thinking the other week how nice it was that my car was working so well and that I haven't had any problems. Needless to say, since we live in the south and it is suppose to be getting up to the 90's next week, I guess I will have to get it fixed. It never gives me a problem in the winter, no, it waits until summer!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


OK this is happening way too often. I go to bed and before I know it, something wakes me up and I am looking at the clock and listening to the heavy breathing of my husband. It is sometimes 1:30 sometimes 3 o'clock, when it is 4:30, I am ok, because morning is near. But this morning it is 1:30 and I am getting so tired of this. I pray, I think, I turn and toss and usually there is a cat on or near me. I am just not sure what the problem is. If I start vacuuming I think Tom and Emily might be upset. What do you think?

Monday, May 26, 2008

Two weddings and baby kisses

This memorial day weekend was a whirlwind. We had two weddings, a trip to Roxboro, a trip to Boone, friends over for shrimp dinner, and lots of kisses on our granddaughter, who is getting to be so grown up already. I dont know how we fit that all in over 4 days but we did. On Thursday,Emily and I went to visit Sheila and brought her and Olivia home with us on Friday. On Friday we had our friends Chris and Amanda over for dinner. On Saturday our long time family friends the Gordons had a wonderful wedding in which Erin became Mrs. Birkmeyer. On Sunday our daughter Alisha was a bridesmaid in her friends Alinna and Daniel's wedding in Boone. We attended that one too and enjoyed some beautiful weather in the mountains of NC.

Wow! How does so much happen in such a short amount of time? I love it! I like to be busy and have my time occupied. I guess because I am not working right now, I appreciate my time being counted for certain events. I must say, I am tired today. But I loved every minute of the past 4 days.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My life and the spa

My unemployment has been an interesting time of ups and downs. I guess because some days I am encouraged that I will have a job soon and some days I feel I will never find a good job. But last week and this week, my life has been kinda great. I got a gift card for mother's day from my hubby for a facial at Koha spa in Tega Cay. I got to go with Emily as she got one for her birthday, and we had a wonderful relaxing hour. I also got a gift card from Alisha for a pedicure at Blis spa in Pineville so Emily and I enjoyed that together. (well Emily had to buy her own manicure) but anyhow, I feel like the queen going to all the spa's while I am unemployed. Do you think that I could make a job out of that? Hey anyone want to give me another gift card? I am open to any spa! I will even send you a review of how I rate the services. Now I think I am on to something!!!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Been Tagged! By Sheila Stover.....why does she do this to me?

What were you doing 10 years ago?
I had all my girls at home and was working for a chiropracter. I was loving my husband and thanking God that He was giving me strength to raise 3 girls 2 of which were teenagers.

5 things on your to do list for today?
1. certify for unemployment
2. Apply for some jobs
3. Get some groceries
4. exercise
5. take time for Jesus

5 things you would do if you were a billionaire?
1. I wouldn't be looking for a job.
2. I would travel quite extensively with my husband and my girls and their husbands.
3. I would find some really good mission opportunities and needs and set them up for good.
4. Set my girls up with some good retirement plans
5. Probably buy a new house in a better neighborhood. Nothing extravegant though.

Name 3 bad habits:
1. I criticize too quickly
2. I criticize too often
3. I don't spend enough time praying for needs of those I know and spend way too little time studying God's Word.

List 5 jobs I have had:
1. Corn detasseler
2. Babysitter
3. Waitress
4. Grocery store clerk
5. Chiropractic Assistant
6. Bookkeeper for a granite/tile company

5 Books I have recently read:
1. The Bible-God
2. Shadow Castle-Marriane Cockrell
3. True Light- Terri Blackstock
4. Country Brides- Nora Roberts( maybe)
5. Cant remember all the names, I have read a lot job right now!

I guess I will tag Tom and Liz as I dont know too many bloggers other than Sheila and she tagged me!

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. "The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I have hope in Him." The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, To the person who seeks Him.


Monday, May 12, 2008

My baby is home

My baby is home from college for the summer. I am so very excited to have her here. I love it when she is around. I feel like I didnt get to talk to her much or see her much this past year. I am a happy mom, and I am going to enjoy every moment with her.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Photo shoot

Photo Session with Grammy